Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cheerleaders: How To Be A Good Role Model

As a cheerleader, you are a representative of your squad as well as your school and community. You are looked upon by many people and even emulated by some. It is important that you are a good leader. Leadership is not just about being a team captain but rather it is a set of qualities that one has that set a good example to others. You and your team members must closely monitor your actions as they reflect not only on yourselves as individuals and the team but also on your school. It is important to always strive to be your best and be a great role model. Here is a list of the most important traits of a role model and how to attain them.

Be a team player
To be a good team player you have to put the needs of the team ahead of your own. Be supportive of your team members and do everything you can to encourage their success over your own.

Be dependable
Being dependable is an extremely important quality. When you say you will do something, do it. Be punctual. People will be relying on you and it is important to follow through on all your commitments.

Have an optimistic attitude
Always keep a positive attitude even when times are tough. Smiles are catchy and sometimes that is all it one needs to brighten someone else’s day. Always hope for the best but be gracious if disappointment comes your way.

Persistence is important for success. No matter what you do, there will be obstacles. Do not let roadblocks stop you. Stay focused and never give up.

Have courage
Be confident in who you are and in your abilities. You worked hard to get where you are and faced many challenges. Have the courage to brave any challenges because you know that you will give it your best. Believe in yourself and your team.

Be generous
Be generous with your time and your talents. Spend time doing things for others in your community. Volunteer with local organizations. Your efforts will not only be rewarded personally but will be appreciated by those around you.

Be respectful
Mind your manners and practice proper etiquette. Treat everyone you encounter with respect. Set an example of how to be kind to others and how to handle yourself with grace.

Remember, as a cheerleader you are in the public eye. It is important to represent your school and community to the best of your ability.

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